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vBulletin 4 Forum Software

vBulletin 4 STH
vBulletin 4 STH
vBulletin 4 STH


Design & Aesthetics

Performance for the Application

Feature Set

Value for the Application

Total Score
7.5/ 10

User Rating
4 total ratings



History of running large community forums. Many active 3rd party developers.


Updating is still highly manual. Higher-cost than many other options, especially for an unbranded version.

Bottom Line

vBulletin 4 is a very popular forum community software package that is trying to move into the CMS world and compete with WordPress, Drupal and Joomla.

Posted December 21, 2012 by

Full Article

vBulletin 4 is one of the most popular community programs out there. vBulletin 4 was released 21 December 2009 and is built on PHP5. Another major feature in vBulletin 4 is the new vBulletin publishing suite. vBulletin publishing suite is a CMS looking to push the vBulletin platform into the CMS market which is currently dominated by WordPress, Drupal and Joomla. It is very common for other CMS platforms to support vBulletin 5 integration.

Currently Internet Brands has a 0% AdSense revenue share, but may be able to increase this with 30 days notice.


vBulletin 4 has a powerful back-end that allows for customization of the forums. It even allows administrators to build themes that users can select. Virtually every aspect of the forums is extensible in some fashion either through the back-end or through add-ons.

One potential drawback is that Internet Brands is allowed to collect data on its AdSense integration. Currently Internet Brands has a 0% AdSense revenue share, but may be able to increase this with 30 days notice.


vBulletin 4.2 provides world-class forum software including all the features that made this the market leader.

Built-In Blogs

vBulletin 4.2 Publishing Suite has built-in blog capability to include as a part of your site.


Article publishing is provided in the Publishing Suite by the vBulletin 4.2 CMS.

Site Management

Granular permissions and extensive customization capabilities are incorporated in vBulletin 4.2.


vBulletin provides unsurpassed forum security and protection from hacking.

World-Class Support

Customers using vBulletin 4.2 benefit from our best-in-class support.


Branding Free

vBulletin includes attribution for vBulletin in the global footer. Some sites prefer to have this removed, so their site is more clearly presented from them. This option is available at a one-time cost of USD$169.00. Branding free can be added at the time of purchase of your license, or anytime thereafter.


Premium Customer support

In addition to any support you purchased when you first obtained your vBulletin license, you can purchase additional phone and ticket support in either one-month or one-year increments as follows:

Phone and ticket support: USD$199.00/year | USD$49.00/month

Professional Installation/Upgrade

Our technical support team can remotely install either vBulletin 5 Connect or vBulletin 4.2 for you, either as a new installation or an upgrade of a previous version of vBulletin. This work only includes the basic software installation, while you’ll have to handle any desired customizations yourself.

One-time cost USD$149.00

Mobile Suite

vBulletin Mobile Suite provides native iOS and Android mobile apps customized for your forum. These apps provide an optimal means for your mobile users to engage with your site. Includes mobile moderation capabilities and supports mobile ad monetization. US$199 cost includes one year of support and upgrades. (Note: Mobile Suite can be used with vB 3.7.5 and higher and vB 4.1.2 and higher, not yet available for vBulletin 5 Connect.)

USD$199.00 – cost includes one year of support and upgrades

Facebook App

The vBulletin Facebook app lets your users interact with your forum directly from Facebook. The Facebook app will encourage more regular engagement with your forum, and provide a means to reach your members’ Facebook friends in their News Feed. The app can be customized to the look and feel of your site. (Note: Facebook can be used with vB 3.7.5 and higher and vB 4.1.7 and higher, it is not yet available for vBulletin 5 Connect)

One-time cost is USD$99.00.

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